Gary Fisher
Cloud Studies
©2017-2024  Gary Fisher
Temporal Shift Series - 2019-2023
C 2019  Gary Fisher
in camera dye diffusion photographs of the overhead sky at two instants of time
Temporal Shift #9, 2019, 7" x 12"
C 2019 Gary Fisher
in camera dye diffusion photographs of the overhead sky at two instants of time
C 2019  Gary Fisher
in camera dye diffusion photographs of the overhead sky at two instants of time
Temporal Shift #31, 2019, 7" x 12"
C 2019 Gary Fisher
in camera dye diffusion photographs of the overhead sky at two instants of time

In 2019 I began a new series of time sequences of cloud phenomena. For me these sequences are a metaphor for change and the difficulty of staying in the moment. Beyond this, the primary driver of this work is to provoke an emotional response when viewing the sequence - a part of which stems from the sometimes subtle relationship between the cloud formations from one photograph to the next.

The foundation for this work stemmed from photographic cloud sequences I made in the 1970's and 1990's. The images in this recent (and on-going) series were made in Southern California, the Sierra, and the Mohave desert. The scale of these images is intimate, forcing the viewer to engage with them from a close perspective. Each of the photographs is an original, one-off, in-camera dye diffusion print. Being original images enhances the temporal immediacy of this work.

Below are two pairs in the series.
See Catalogs of Temporal Shift Series 2019-2023 (PDFs)